Pinterest Marketing


Pinterest is more than just a platform for DIY enthusiasts and recipe hunters. It's a powerhouse for businesses looking to showcase their products and services through stunning visuals. With over 400 million monthly active users, Pinterest offers a unique opportunity to connect with a highly engaged audience actively seeking inspiration and solutions.

  • At Brit Hutchings Creative, we understand that Pinterest marketing isn't just about pinning pretty pictures. It's about crafting a strategic approach that resonates with your brand and appeals to your target audience. Here's how we do it:

  • Tailored Strategy:

    We kick off by understanding your brand's unique personality and goals. Then, we develop a customized Pinterest marketing strategy that aligns with your objectives.

  • Content Creation:

    Our team of creative wizards will design eye-catching pins and write compelling descriptions that tell your brand's story and captivate Pinners.

  • Consistent Pinning:

    We ensure your Pinterest profile stays active with a consistent posting schedule, optimizing the timing for maximum visibility.

  • Audience Engagement

    Engaging with your audience is key. We respond to comments, messages, and actively interact with other Pinners to grow your reach.

  • Analytics and Optimization:

    We don't just set it and forget it. We constantly analyze data to refine our strategies for better results.

  • Experience

    With years of experience in digital marketing, we know the ins and outs of Pinterest and have over 15 million monthly views.

  • Female-Owned:

    We take pride in being a female-owned business, offering a unique perspective and understanding of your target audience.

  • Creativity:

    Our team consists of creative minds who thrive on designing visually stunning content.

  • Results-Driven:

    We're not just about aesthetics; we're all about delivering measurable results that impact your bottom line.

What You Can Expect

When you choose Brit Hutchings Creative for Pinterest Marketing + Management, you can expect:

  • Increased brand visibility and recognition on Pinterest.
  • A boost in website traffic as Pinners discover and engage with your content.
  • Enhanced engagement with your target audience.
  • A well-organized and aesthetically pleasing Pinterest profile.
  • Regular reports and insights into the performance of your Pinterest campaigns.

Let's Get Pinning!

Ready to harness the power of Pinterest for your brand? Contact us today, and let's embark on this visual journey together. We can't wait to see your brand shine on Pinterest!

  • Package 1: Pinterest Starter

    Ideal for small businesses or startups looking to establish their presence on Pinterest.

    Services Included:

    • Pinterest Strategy Development
    • Pin Creation and Optimization (20 pins per month)
    • Basic Pinterest Account Setup
    • Monthly Analytics Report

    Price: Starting at $499 per month

  • Package 2: Pinterest Pro

    Ideal for businesses looking to boost their Pinterest presence and engagement.

    Services Included:

    • Pinterest Strategy Development and Refinement
    • Pin Creation and Optimization (30 pins per month)
    • Pinterest Account Management (daily engagement)
    • Bi-weekly Analytics Report
    • Competitor Analysis

    Price: Starting at $899 per month

  • Package 3: Pinterest Premium

    Ideal for established businesses aiming for maximum Pinterest visibility and conversions.

    Services Included:

    • Comprehensive Pinterest Strategy Development
    • Pin Creation and Optimization (60 pins per month)
    • Pinterest Account Management (daily engagement and scheduling)
    • Weekly Analytics Report
    • Competitor Analysis and Strategy Adjustments
    • Tailored Promoted Pins Campaign (budget not included)

    Price: Starting at $1399 per month