Let me guess why you’re here…

You’re a new blogger who doesn’t know where to start or what your next step should be.
You’re overwhelmed by the amount of information out there and you feel like you’ve tried everything already.
You’re frustrated that things aren’t going as planned and you’re ready to see some results. ANY RESULTS!!

You want this (blogging) to work SO BADLY. For you, failure is simply not an option!!
You want a better life – and more freedom – for yourself and for your family, and you see other people making that happen through their blogs. Why shouldn’t that be possible for you too?

Am I getting closer? 

Are you tired of investing in your blogging education, only to be left dazzled and confused by the amount of information that you’re now too overwhelmed to implement?

Are you committed to taking your blog to the next level, getting your message out there and fearlessly pursuing your dream, but you just don’t know how…?

Are you ready to see some money coming in from your blog, but you’re getting discouraged every day that it doesn’t happen and you just need someone in your corner (who understands blogging) cheering you on?


If you are at the end of your rope and maxed out on what you can do by yourself (and trust me – I know you’ve tried what seems like everything), sign up for blog coaching with me here and let’s figure it out together.

I can help you identify what your next step should be (or how to get started), create a strategy that works for your niche and audience, keep you accountable to getting things done, and help you get a return on investment for all the work you put into your blog!

All the information and the resources you need in just one place – it’s like blogging success on a silver platter.

P.S. I’m looking to work with MOTIVATED bloggers, who are ready to show up fully to our blog coaching calls and put in the work in between our sessions. (You don’t have to be blogging full-time, just to be willing to put in the time and effort.)

Meet Your Blog Coach

Hi! My name is Brit and I am a blog growth strategist, published author and online blogging coach with a soon-to-be degree in Marketing.

Over the last 4years, I’ve helped thousands of female bloggers, entrepreneurs, and small business owners grow their traffic and online income with my free and paid training, and I’ve worked 1-on-1 with over 50 coaching clients.

If you’re serious about blogging professionally, and you need a bespoke strategy and plan, keep reading to find out how you can hire me as your blog coach!

Read more about me and my work here.

Need a blog mentor?

Do you struggle to make decisions on what to work on today? Are you afraid you’re not going to see the results you want? Or perhaps every blogging guru out there is telling you different things and you’re constantly overwhelmed? Maybe it’s time to hire a blogging coach! 

I’ve helped my past blog coaching clients minimize their time, money, and risk.

All by developing a bespoke blog strategy that breaks down the steps they need to take (and in which order), and by assisting them in creating systems and habits to move their blogs forward. 

  • Deep Dive Strategy Call

    An instant boost for your blog. Package includes:

    • 1 x 90 minute coaching call
    • Targeting a particular blogging struggle
    • Walk away with an actionable plan
    • PDF with call notes included


    ONE TIME FEE OF $300

  • 3 Blog Coaching Calls Pack

    A flexible coaching opportunity. Package includes:

    • 3 x 60 minute coaching calls
    • Schedule your calls anytime you need
    • 1 product of your choice from the BHC shop*
    • Meet 1-on-1 over Zoom for bespoke advice

    ONE TIME FEE OF $500

  • Blogging Basics

    An on-going 3 month minimum blog coaching service. Package includes:

    • 2 x 60 minute coaching calls per month
    • 1 product of your choice from the BHC shop*
    • Bi-weekly accountability checks
    • Unlimited email support

    $400 PER MONTH.

  • Blogging Intensive

    A VIP coaching package. Package includes:

    • 4 x 60 minute coaching calls per month
    • 4 product of your choice from the BHC shop*
    • Weekly accountability checks
    • Priority email support/text

    $600 PER MONTH

  • For coaching packages where you get to select a product of your choice from my shop you can select any eBook, resources, or course displayed there, except any courses.


If we’re going to work together, I’ll be much more than your blogging coach. I’ll be an accountability partner (so you have the motivation you need to meet your monthly goals and keep on top of your tasks), ongoing support (so you can get feedback and a second opinion on anything you need), and an enthusiastic cheerleader (so you can get encouragement from someone who’s actually invested in your success).

Our coaching calls will be all about you! Every bit of advice that I’ll give will be tailored to your blogging niche, your audience, and your personal goals. Not only will you get step-by-step guidance to conquer whatever blogging level you’re currently struggling to pass, but you’ll get to bounce YOUR ideas off me and have a mastermind partner who gets you and who gets the strategy behind building a successful blog.

Why spend hours trying to figure out a social media platform or how to change something in your WordPress dashboard when you can get live training in our calls, or quick tutorials via email? Working with me means that you’ll get unique solutions to your unique problems. And if I don’t have the solution or other resources that can help you, I’ll know exactly what or who to recommend instead. 


  • Starting a profitable blog
  • Creating a roadmap to success
  • Figuring out WordPress
  • Choosing a blog design
  • Coming up with content ideas
  • Attracting the right readers
  • Growing your blog traffic
  • Monetizing your blog with ads
  • Making money with Affiliate Marketing
  • Growing your Pinterest account
  • Setting up your Tailwind schedule
  • Guest posting opportunities
  • Facebook marketing & visibility
  • Increasing visibility on Twitter
  • Building an affiliate army
  • Creating passive income
  • Growing your email list
  • Creating free opt-ins
  • Writing compelling sales pages
  • Setting & meeting blogging goals
  • Exploding your online presence
  • STEP 1

    To see if we’re a good fit and to allow me to learn more about you, your blogging journey, goals, and struggles, I’ll need you to complete this short questionnaire.

  • STEP 2

    As soon as a spot opens up, I’ll reach out to schedule a free discovery call on Zoom. This will be our chance to find out if we’re a good match before we commit to a coaching package.

  • STEP 3

    After our discovery call ends, I’ll save your spot and you’ll have 24 hours to make a decision and pick a coaching package that works best for you.

  • STEP 4

    Once you let me know your final answer, I’ll send over an agreement/contract (to keep us both accountable to our time spent together) and we’ll choose a payment schedule that works for you.

  • STEP 5

    After the first invoice is paid, we’ll schedule our first call and get started! The calls take place on Zoom, and you’ll have unlimited access to me via email as well. (*Subject to the coaching package you selected.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is blog coaching?

Blog coaching is a personalized service where we provide guidance and support to help you improve your blogging skills and achieve your blogging goals.

Why should I consider blog coaching?

Blog coaching can accelerate your blogging journey, helping you develop strategies, create engaging content, and reach your audience more effectively.

Who can benefit from blog coaching?

Blog coaching is beneficial for bloggers at all levels, from beginners looking to start a blog to experienced bloggers seeking to enhance their skills and results.

What topics are covered in your coaching sessions?

Our coaching covers a wide range of topics, including content creation, Pinterest, SEO, audience engagement, monetization strategies, and more, tailored to your specific needs.

How can I schedule a coaching session?

You can easily schedule a coaching session by reaching out to us through our website, email, or phone.

Can you share success stories from your blog coaching clients?

Certainly! We have helped numerous bloggers achieve their goals. Feel free to ask for references or read our success stories.

What distinguishes your blog coaching services from others?

Our services are highly personalized to meet your unique needs and goals. We focus on your success and provide tailored guidance and support.


Fashion Blogger

Lily P.

As a fashion blogger, I wanted my website to reflect my unique style. Brit Hutchings Creative's blog coaching helped me create a stunning website + blog and develop a consistent brand image. Her expertise in social media management + Pinterest elevated my online presence.

E-commerce Store Owner

Michaela R.

As an e-commerce site owner, I needed blog content that not only attracted customers but also converted them. Brit Hutchings Creative's coaching gave me the tools to do just that. My website's sales have skyrocketed since I started working with them.

Startup Entrepreneur

Ava J.

Launching a startup was daunting, but Brit Hutchings Creative's blog coaching services made it manageable. They helped me establish a strong online presence, which was crucial for my business's success. I'm grateful for their guidance.

Marketing Manager

Marcy B.

Our marketing team was struggling to create compelling blog content. Brit Hutchings Creative came to our rescue with their coaching. Their insights into SEO and content strategy have significantly improved our website's performance. Highly recommended for businesses.

Online Retailer

Lisa H.

In the competitive world of online retail, standing out is tough. Brit Hutchings Creative's coaching helped us refine our brand and create content that resonates with our target audience. Our website's engagement and sales have seen a remarkable boost.

Real Estate Broker

Jenna D.

As a real estate broker, I needed a website that showcased my listings and expertise. Brit Hutchings Creative not only designed a stunning website but also coached me on creating blog content that attracts potential clients. Her services have undoubtedly boosted my business.

Boutique Owner

Grace W.

Running a boutique as a female entrepreneur is both exciting and challenging. Brit Hutchings Creative's coaching played a pivotal role in enhancing my online store's presence with her excellent blog coaching services. Their expertise in branding design and social media strategies boosted my business significantly.

Small Business Owner

Sarah K.

Brit Hutchings Creative has been a game-changer for my small business. Their blog coaching services helped me revamp my website and create engaging content. The result? Increased traffic and more customers. Thank you for your expertise!

Freelance Writer

Jessica L.

Working as a freelance writer, I needed to expand my online presence. Brit Hutchings Creative's blog coaching was the perfect solution. Their insights into content creation and social media management have significantly increased my website traffic and clientele.

Health and Wellness Coach

Sophia B.

Being in the health and wellness field, I wanted my website to reflect my passion for holistic living. Brit Hutchings Creative's coaching not only revamped my website but also helped me craft blog content that resonates with my audience. Their guidance has been transformative.

Spiritual Life Coach

Chloe R.

Brit Hutchings Creative's blog coaching services have been a game-changer for my life coaching business. Her expertise in content creation and SEO optimization has significantly increased my website's visibility, attracting more clients and inquiries. HIGHLY recommend.

Travel Blogger

Ella B.

Being a travel blogger, I needed my website to be a captivating window into my adventures. Brit Hutchings Creative's coaching helped me achieve just that. Their guidance on blogging and social media strategies has grown my audience and opened up exciting opportunities.