6 Ways To Attract And Keep Repeat Customers


6 Ways To Attract And Keep Repeat Customers- Brit Hutchings Creative

Are you ready to attract and keep repeat customers? According to E-consultancy's 2013 Cross-channel Marketing Study, 70% of businesses claim that it is considerably less expensive to retain a client than it is to acquire a new one. Recurring customers help keep your calendar full as well as your bottom line. So, it's simple to understand why "relationship marketing" is more crucial than ever. This refers to actions that help you stay in touch with current consumers and help you maintain a good relationship.

Every successful business relies heavily on repeat clients since they are essential to ongoing profitability. But, when competition is fierce, businesses may find it difficult to attract new clients and keep existing ones coming back. It is crucial to learn how to keep clients coming back, especially for small firms.


What is a Repeat Customer?

A repeat customer is someone who patronizes your establishment on a regular basis and purchases your goods or services. For instance, customers of a nearby bakery frequently return when they want to purchase pastries or other treats arises. It's not simple to gain clients' loyalty and turn them into repeat customers. Yet it will be much simpler if you offer amazing products and a wonderful customer experience.

Let's talk about some creative strategies for keeping your brand-new clients and converting them into loyal clients

1. Provide Great Experience

Giving your customers a wonderful and unforgettable experience will keep them coming back for more. A fantastic customer experience starts when they first learn about your business and lasts until they receive and use your product. For recurring customers, marketing, customer service, excellent products, effective operations, and presentation are all important.

2. Deliver Exceptional Customer Service

You want every consumer to have a memorable experience and recommend your business to others. According to NewVoiceMedia research, 34% of customers would go so far as to exact revenge by leaving an online review after receiving great service. So that you aren't working overtime to undo the damage once a customer is irate or dissatisfied, take the time to train workers to manage all forms of customer issues or guest complaints properly. If the visitor had trouble making their reservation, this could involve anything as simple as offering a free upgrade. Put yourself in the customer's position as you through the purchasing procedure to avoid displeased clients. Reservation confirmation and "thank you" emails prior to their purchase can open the lines of contact and assist a guest to feel like they are being taken care of. Make sure they have all they need. If you provide online booking choices, make sure the checkout procedure is as simple and trouble-free as possible to avoid losing customers to technical difficulties.

3. Offer a Referral Bonus

By giving customers a discount for referring friends, you might entice them to become repeat clients. You can either provide a discount on a future reservation or purchase for bringing a friend along, or you can ask customers to let you know who recommended them and then send that person a handwritten "thank you" note or email along with an exclusive discount or free upgrade offer for their subsequent stay if you own rental business.  An extended kayak rental or an invitation to a class or workshop following a gourmet tour are two examples of upgrade offers. Before they go for the day, let visitors know that they can receive a referral bonus. Then, send them an email reminder to encourage them to tell their friends, coworkers, and acquaintances about their positive experiences.

4. Improve Your Offers

Any firm that wants to prosper needs a fantastic offering that thrills clients. A simple strategy for having a strong offering is to sell high-quality goods at fair rates. Another simple method is to provide your clients with lots of choices. Customers should be enthusiastic about your store and your offerings. Hence, making a terrific deal is a simple approach to encourage people to continue making purchases.

5. Highlight Positive Customer Experience

Sometimes it's necessary to kindly remind customers that you are in business. You can send out an email newsletter that highlights stories and features related to customer happiness. Alternatively, do interviews with devoted consumers and highlight them in your newsletter, on your website, and in other marketing materials.

A personalized strategy is yet another effective one. Some business owners make a commitment to return every customer call and email. Even when there is no specific business issue or concern, a succinct, customized response can convey how important it is to you to maintain contact with your clients and the people in your professional network.

6. Never Ignore Customer Complaints

Customers do occasionally express dissatisfaction about what may appear to be relatively trivial problems but keep in mind that these concerns matter to the persons involved.

If you're worried about how much time it will take to address every complaint, remember that trust in a company can be destroyed in a matter of seconds—especially on social media, where numerous other potential consumers can learn of a single person's negative views toward it. Responding swiftly to negative comments or complaints will stop them from spreading and may help you regain consumers more quickly.


In conclusion, whether a business is B2B or B2C, repeat clients are much more profitable. Your company's revenue and profitability can soar if you focus the majority of your resources on customer retention techniques.  Offering the best customer service and assistance is the most crucial tactic for converting one-time consumers into loyal ones. You may increase your lead to repeat customer conversion rates by using improved customer experience strategies.

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